Sitting for long can hurt your back and affect your posture. That is why you should get up and walk around for a few minutes after every few hours. Stretching or doing standing yoga poses can also help to improve posture. If you choose to do standing yoga poses, you can enjoy more health benefits. Such yoga asanas can improve balance, and concentration while also strengthening the legs, core, and back muscles. Here’s a list of standing yoga poses for beginners as well as fitness enthusiasts. What is a standing yoga pose? Standing yoga poses form the foundation of many yoga practices, anchoring us firmly to the earth while inviting us to reach for the sky. They are a diverse range of postures that challenge our balance, flexibility, and focus, says yoga expert Dr Hansaji Yogendra . The Eagle pose promotes flexibility. Image courtesy: Freepik How to do standing yoga poses? Here are some of the standing yoga poses you can do at home or workplace – 1. Sthitaprarthasana or Standing ...