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There’s nothing quite like soft and fluffy pancakes for breakfast, isn’t it? If the classic pancake with a topping of maple syrup, honey or chocolate sauce, has become monotonous for you, it’s time to try some different and healthy pancake recipes! A thicker version of crepes, pancakes can be sweet and salty, and most of all, they are easy to cook! On National Pancake Day 2023, let’s learn how to make pancakes with a twist.

These nutritious and healthy pancake recipes can be easily prepared for a breakfast meal or even as an evening snack. Due to their ingredients which include fruits, vegetables and cereals, they are packed with nutritional benefits.

Greata Sherene Robinson, Executive Nutritionist, Cloudnine Group of Hospitals, TNagar, Chennai, shared 4 different healthy pancake recipes with HealthShots. You can treat your kids with these variations or even dig into yourself!

Here are 4 pancake recipes you can try

Oatmeal pancakes

The health benefits of oats are not unknown. So, why not add it to your panacke? This 10-minute pancake recipe is a protein-rich breakfast for the growing toddler needs. This can be given for toddlers above 9 months. A word of caution – please avoid adding honey for babies less than a year.


• 1 cup rolled oats
• 2 large bananas
• 1 cup almond milk
• 1 tsp chia seeds (grounded)
• 1/4 tsp baking soda
• 1 tsp of health mix
• 1 tsp of nuts powder

Oats pancake
Oats are a good addition to your pancake recipe. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

How to make oatmeal pancake

* Grind the oats and banana into a thick paste.
* Add them to the remaining ingredients and make a thick paste out of it.
* Pour the batter on a tawa and allow it to cook.
* Serve the pancake with a drizzle of honey and some chopped bananas.

Beetroot Almond Pancake

Add a dash of colour and nutrition the next time you set out to make a pancake. Almonds are loaded with vitamins, minerals and fibers that are necessary for one’s overall development, while beetroot is low on calories and good for digestion.

According to the nutrition expert, “This pancake variety adds a great source of healthy fats. Beetroot adds in some antioxidants as well which builds the immunity for the growing toddler. This can be given for babies post 10 months. Drizzle them with some honey before you serve them for toddlers post 1 year.”

• Grated beetroot: 100 g
• Almond flour: 1 and 1/3rd cup
• Almond milk: 1/4 cup
• Eggs: 2
• Vanilla extract: 1 tsp
• Jaggery powder: 1 tsp
• Baking powder: 1 tsp
• Salt as per taste

beetroot benefits
Beetroot is a good antioxidant. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

How to make beetroot almond pancake

* Blend all the above ingredients into a nice paste and make a batter out of it.
* Pour the batter and allow it to cook.
* The red coloured pancakes are ready to be consumed.

Also read: Start your day with this banana pancakes recipe for a boost of energy

Veggie pancake

Kids rarely like plain Jane vegetables. So, give it a tempting pancake twist! This veggie pancake recipe makes an amazing healthy breakfast or dinner recipe for children. “It is also an easier way to tug in all the nutrients to fight against seasonal infection. It can be given for children above 11 months till any year,” says Robinson.

• Shredded carrots: 25 g
• Boiled green peas: 25 g
• Grated onions: 25 g
• Grated tomato: 25 g
• Chopped mushrooms: 25 g
• Cilantro: 1/2 cup
• Chickpea flour: 1/4 cup
• Salt
• Pepper
• Coriander powder
• Beaten egg: 1
• Baking powder: 1 tsp (optional)

How to make veggie pancake

* Heat oil in a pan. Add in the chopped mushrooms and sautΓ© for 2-3 minutes until the mushrooms shrink and are cooked.
* Toss in the shredded carrots, boiled peas and remaining vegetables and cook for a minute.
* Season the veggies with little salt and pepper.
* In a mixing bowl, whisk together chickpea flour, salt, coriander powder and baking powder. Add in the veggies and beaten egg to whisk together. Do not over mix. Add in the cilantro leaves.
* Heat a non-stick pan and brush it with ghee. Add one ladle of the above mixture. Cook it on medium flame. Let it turn golden brown on both sides.
* Serve it with any hot chutney or any condiment of your child’s choice.

Add vegetables to your pancake to make it healthier!. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Orange Pancake

First things first, this pancake does not involve
Can be given for toddlers post 8 months. This makes a good vitamin A rich dish which helps with vision and nervous system development for the babies,but serve honey only after the completion of 1 year.

• Pumpkin puree: 1 bowl
• Whole wheat flour: 2 tsp
• Eggs: 2
• Cinnamon powder for spice
• Baking powder: 1 tsp

How to make orange pancake

* Mix all the above ingredients and pour the batter.
* The yummy fluffy pumpkin pancakes are ready.
* Serve them along with maple syrup or some honey.

The post National Pancake Day 2023: 4 healthy pancake recipes for kids and adults appeared first on Healthshots.

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