Fitness enthusiast and dancing diva Malaika Arora is all about leading a healthy lifestyle. Yes, she watches what she eats. But she also does different yoga asanas that clearly help her to stay in shape. She regularly shares her yoga experiences via Instagram, encouraging fans to do it too! Her latest video is all about how to improve hip mobility with yoga flows or asanas. Hip-opening yoga asanas help to loosen tight hips, and much more. Read on to find out why yoga can be helpful for hip mobility.
Yoga and good mood
The caption of Malaika Arora’s latest Instagram video focuses on how yoga helps us to be in a good mood. In fact, during yoga classes you must have heard about people storing most of their negative emotions in the hips (yoga asanas to release suppressed emotions). This is exactly why we should include hip mobility flows or asanas in your yoga practice, just like Malaika.
Check out the video here
It is great to release pent-up emotional stress, so if you do hip mobility yoga asanas, you might experience a release of sadness, anger, fear or frustration. It can also improve your body’s stability, flexibility as well as strength. It helps to boost your athletic performance and prevents injuries or pains in the lower back.
Also read: Hip-opening yoga asanas for a toned, peachy bum
Best yoga asanas to improve hip mobility
Wondering which all yoga asanas are good for hip opening? In a video for The Yoga Institute, Dr Hansaji Yogendra shares some of the asanas you can do:
1. Trikonasana
• To do the trikonasana, stand straight with a little bit of distance between your legs.
• Raise your right hand above your head. Make sure that your right arm is parallel to your right ear.
• Bend your torso at the waist. This should be on your left side and slide your left arm down along your left leg. Do it till your fingers are at your ankle.
• Your right arm should be horizontal while your head is tilted left, and hold the pose with your knees and elbows straight.
• Inhale thene straighten yourself and stand erect.
2. Malasana
• Keep both your legs apart and join your hands, as you try to sit down.
• Your legs should be in sitting position and should be kept as far as possible so that your elbows stay inside. It should look like your elbows are pushing your feet outside. Put your whole body’s weight downwards.
• Then slowly get up.

3. Padahastasana
• Your legs have to be as close to your body as possible in namaste position.
• Hold your ankles and then try to bend forward. Try to touch your head to the ground.
• Then come back to the sitting position.
4. Pigeon pose
• Begin this asana with the downward dog pose then move your left leg forward (benefits of pigeon pose).
• Crossover the leg and sit on your left thigh. Make sure the left heel touches your right hip.
• Bend forward while extending your hands in front.
• Keep your chest resting on your left thigh and then walk back with your hands lifting your torso.
• Bend your right leg to bring your right foot in towards your torso.
• Hook your right foot in your right elbow and rollback your shoulders away from your ears.
• Bring your left arm up by your ear to grasp your left hand.
• Keep your head upright and look in front while focussing on a point.
5. Hasta Padangusthasana or hand toe pose
• Lie down and keep both arms on the side.
• Lift your right leg straight up, and try to hold your toes then bring it down back. You can also lift both the legs up.
So, to feel amazing emotionally and physically, add these asanas to your yoga practice today to improve hip mobility!
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