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When thinking of partaking in a healthy diet, we often think of switching to low-carb snacks for a healthier body. Look around yourself, and you’ll find eating options that are dime a dozen to fit your low-carb lifestyle choice. This eating fad is gaining popularity because of the many health benefits attached to it. These snacks are filled with healthy fats, protein, and the best of carbohydrates to help you hit your weight-loss goals while flushing your body with nutrients.

HealthShots got in touch with nutritionist Avni Kaul to know about various low-carb snacks that are binge-worthy for your healthy diet plans.

Low-carb snacks that are worth a try

India is known for its diverse cuisine that tickles the taste buds with its dominant flavours and aroma. However, most Indian snacks are rich in carbohydrates, making it difficult for people who are on a low-carb diet. While you have many low-carb options in the market, here are a few readily available ones that are both delicious and nutritious.

Low-carb snacks
Try out these low-carb snacks to switch to healthier lifetsyle!

1. Masala Omelette

Masala Omelette is a well-known Indian breakfast dish that is simple to prepare and is low in carbohydrates. It can be made using simple herbs, spices, and vegetables in your kitchen. You can always spruce it up in the desi Indian way by tweaking the flavours and interchanging the ingredients so that the result is perfectly in sync with your taste and nutrition.

2. Paneer Tikka

“One of the most-raved Indian vegetarian snacks, Paneer Tikka has low carbohydrates and is high in protein. To make it, you can simply cut the paneer into cubes and marinate it in a mix of hung curd, ginger-garlic paste, turmeric powder, red chilli powder, and salt. Skewer the paneer cubes and grill them until golden brown. To amp up the taste, you may also add veggies like onion, tomatoes, and bell peppers for extra nutrition,” tells the expert.

Also read: Low-fat vs low-carb diet: Which is better for weight loss?

3. Spicy roasted nuts

Roasted nuts are an excellent choice for those who are on a low-carb diet. You can a combination consisting of peanuts, almonds, cashew, and walnuts for this snack. To make these, you can add all the nuts in a heating pan along with spices like cumin powder, coriander powder, chili powder, and salt. Roast until the nuts are golden brown and crispy.

low carb diet
It’s time to ditch those carbs. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

4. Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt is an amazing source of protein and probiotics. It is low in carbs and can be flavoured with fruits or nuts.

5. Vegetable with hummus

Raw vegetables like carrots, cucumbers, and bell peppers are low in carbs and high in fiber. They can be dipped in hummus, which is a great source of healthy fats and protein.

6. Cheese

Cheese is an amazing source of protein and healthy fats. It has fewer carbs and can be paired with vegetables or nuts for added flavor. It is rich in vitamins A, D, K, and zinc which are known to contribute to bone health and less inflammation. Cheese has dairy fats that contain conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) which eases any inflammation and can even prevent heart diseases and obesity.

The bottom line

The aforementioned low-carb snacks are highly nutritious and easy to make. These can be incorporated into your daily diet for healthier food choices.

The post National Protein Day: 6 low-carb, high protein snacks for a fuller belly appeared first on Healthshots.

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