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In today’s fast-paced and hectic lives, maintaining high energy levels is critical for productivity and overall well-being. You may wonder why sometimes when you fuel your body with food, you still end up feeling drained and weary. Well, the culprit could be the food we put on our plates. While we mostly focus on consuming energy-boosting foods, it is equally essential to steer clear of foods that drain energy.

Health Shots reached out to nutritionist Avni Kaul, to learn about some energy-draining foods that we can avoid in our daily lives.

Stop consuming foods that drain your energy

Here are some foods from the expert that you need to avoid to maintain vitality and stay at the top of your game.

1. Sugar-laden treats

“Sugary snacks and drinks give a quick energy spike, but this is mostly followed by a crash. When consumed in excess, sugar could lead to insulin spikes and crashes, leaving you feeling tired and irritable,” says the expert. Go for healthier, low-sugar alternatives like fresh fruits and whole grains to sustain your energy levels.

energy-draining foods
Eating excess of sugary foods can affect your immune system and drain your energy. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

2. Processed foods

Processed foods are usually high in salt, unhealthy fats and preservatives. These ingredients could burden your body, causing sluggishness and a lack of energy. Replace processed foods with whole, natural options, like vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, to fuel your body effectively. Preservatives and artificial sweeteners in processed foods can also increase the risk of depression in a person. So, it’s best to avoid them and focus more on consuming a nutrient-rich diet.

3. Fried foods

Fried foods are a dampener for your energy levels. They are rich in unhealthy fats that can clog your arteries, lowering blood flow and oxygen delivery to your cells. Moreover, the digestion of fried foods needs a lot of energy, making you feel lethargic. Choose grilled or baked alternatives to keep your energy steady, suggests Avni Kaul.

Also read: Stop overthinking why you’re tired! These 9 habits may be draining your energy

4. Caffeine Overload

While caffeine might provide a temporary energy boost, overconsumption can lead to a cycle of dependency. It could disrupt your sleep patterns and even lead to withdrawal symptoms, leaving you feeling fatigued. Keep your caffeine consumption moderate and balanced with sufficient hydration.

energy draining foods
Overconsumption of caffeine can disrupt your sleep and can cause anxiety. So, cut down on this energy-draining beverage! Image Courtesy: Shutterstock

5. Alcohol

Alcohol can dehydrate your body and impair your liver’s ability to regulate blood sugar levels. “This leads to a reduction in energy and can also disrupt your sleep patterns,”  the expert. Restrict or stop your alcohol intake, and ensure you stay hydrated to minimize its energy-draining effects.

The bottom line

The foods we consume play a significant role in our energy levels and overall well-being. Refraining from the above mentioned foods that drain energy can help you maintain a vital and energetic lifestyle. Instead, go for nutrient-rich, balanced meals that provide a sustained source of energy, keeping you at your best throughout the day. Bear in mind that a healthy diet is the foundation of a high-energy life, so make wise choices to fuel your body optimally and conquer your daily challenges with vigour. And don’t forget to exercise every day!

The post These foods can drain your energy! Avoid them to stay active and fresh appeared first on Healthshots.

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