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Iron is used by the body to make haemoglobin, a protein in the red blood cells that carries oxygen in the body and gives blood its red colour. A deficiency of iron leads to reduced haemoglobin levels in the blood, and known as iron deficiency anaemia. Some of the common signs of iron deficiency include persistent fatigue, shortness of breath, pain in the chest, and pale skin, to name a few. Apart from relying on supplements to make up for your iron deficiency, you can also look out for the right iron-rich ingredients in your kitchen! You can use seasonal fruits and vegetables to make juices and other drinks to boost haemoglobin levels.

Health Shots got in touch with nutritionist Avni Kaul to learn about some drinks to increase haemoglobin levels.

Healthy drinks to increase haemoglobin levels

India’s culinary tradition boasts a plethora of nutritious and flavourful beverages that are not just delicious but also contribute to maintaining a healthy body, including haemoglobin levels. Here are some traditional Indian drinks suggested by the nutrition expert.

Drinks to increase haemoglobin levels
Gut health to hair health to increasing haemoglobin levels, amla juice has a lot of benefits. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

1. Amla juice

Indian gooseberry is a powerhouse of vitamin C. Daily consumption of amla juice not only enhances immunity but also helps in iron absorption, thereby assisting the formation of haemoglobin. Its tangy flavour adds a refreshing twist to this healthful drink.

2. Beetroot kanji

Hailing from North India, beetroot kanji is a fermented beverage formed by infusing mustard seeds and beetroots. Beetroot contributes iron to the mix, while the fermentation method can enhance the availability of nutrients. This traditional drink provides a unique flavour profile and nutritional boost.

Also read: 6 natural ways to increase haemoglobin levels in your blood

3. Sugarcane juice

Sugarcane juice, a popular Indian street beverage, is not only a sweet indulgence but also a good source of iron and other essential minerals. Its natural sweetness makes it a delightful way to boost the iron intake, making it a refreshing and nutritious choice.

drinks to increase haemoglobin levels
Keep haemoglobin levels under check by drink pomegranate juice. Image Courtesy: Shutterstock

4. Pomegranate juice

Pomegranate juice is both tasty and nutrient-dense. This fruit is high in iron and vitamin C, a dynamic combination that supports haemoglobin production and absorption. The vibrant red hue of this juice mirrors its robust nutritional content.

5. Sattu sherbet

“Sattu, derived from roasted gram (chana), creates the base of this traditional Northern Indian drink. When blended with water, lemon juice and spices, it becomes sattu sherbet—a wholesome beverage rich in protein, iron, and several essential nutrients. Its unique taste and nutritional profile make it a good choice for promoting overall health,” shares the expert.

These traditional Indian drinks not only showcase the diversity of flavours in Indian cuisine but also show a cultural emphasis on incorporating nutrition into everyday beverages. As part of a well-balanced diet, these drinks could play a role in supporting healthy haemoglobin levels, contributing to overall well-being. However, it is advisable to consult with your health expert for any dietary guidance, particularly for those with specific health issues.

The post 5 healthy drinks to boost haemoglobin levels and fight anaemia appeared first on Healthshots.

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