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Rocket yoga is a great option for those who consider Ashtanga yoga too challenging. This style of yoga was created to make Ashtanga yoga more accessible, as it can be physically demanding. Rocket yoga includes seated poses, twists, bends, and Surya Namaskar, just like Ashtanga yoga. However, the positions can be modified to suit individual needs. Thus, anyone can practise rocket yoga, even if they cannot perform Ashtanga yoga. Practising this form of yoga can boost self-confidence and help with self-control, self-discipline, self-improvement, self-realisation, and self-transformation. Let’s explore and learn more about Rocket Yoga pose and its potential benefits.

What is rocket yoga?

Rocket yoga is a unique form of power yoga. Think of it as a carefully curated playlist of yoga poses that flows seamlessly from one to the next, in a fun and energetic manner. It’s an alternative to Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga, known for its fast-paced and playful nature. In the 1980s, everyone in San Francisco was seen practising rocket yoga passionately.

Well, the name was catchy, and thanks to its founder, Larry Schultz who believed that this practice could “get you there faster” in terms of physical and spiritual well-being. The best part of rocket yoga is that it’s suitable for everyone – doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or an experienced yoga practitioner. It’s designed to help practitioners progress quickly through sequences, making it a challenging yet rewarding yoga style.

What are the benefits of rocket yoga?

1. Aids in weight loss

Rocket yoga is a strong cardio workout because it is a very fast-paced practise. This helps burn calories, tones muscles, and shapes the physique. You should therefore practise it if you want to lose all of your obstinate body fat and get back into shape.

Also Read: Trust these 10 yoga poses for faster weight loss

Woman with a weighing scale
Doing rocket yoga every day can help you lose weight. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

2. Boosts cardiovascular health

“Rocket yoga works the heart and circulatory system because of its quick tempo. It strengthens the cardiovascular system, enhances circulation, and raises heart rate. Significant risks related to the heart and circulatory system, such as excessive blood pressure, heart attacks, etc., can be avoided by enhancing cardiovascular health. Moreover, it protects against diabetes, lowers cholesterol, and protects the lungs,” says Yoga Expert, Saurabh Bothra.

3. Enhances flexibility and strength

Given that the majority of its poses need stretches, stability, and balance. It also builds endurance and involves the entire body in a fluid breathing pattern. Stretching your muscles and joints increases your strength and flexibility.

4. Promotes mental health

A rocket yoga sequence that incorporates backbends, inversions, and body balancing off the floor promotes mindfulness. Additionally, they encourage blood and oxygen flow to the brain, which helps to relax the brain. As a result, the pose also supports mental wellness and prevents problems like stress, anxiety, and sadness.

Also Read: Here’s how you can manage your depression with the help of yogic practices

How to do rocket yoga?

Rocket yoga has a total of 140 poses, divided into three different routines as follows :

Rocket 1

The primary rocket yoga series and the primary Ashtanga yoga series are similar in the following ways:

  • It mostly consists of forward-bending and hip-opening poses.
  • Their goal is to strengthen the core and legs.
  • This category also includes inversions and special arm balances.
  • While performing Rocket I, modifications to Navasana and Supta Konasana are introduced.

Plus, this is like the starting point, perfect for beginners. You’ll learn the basics, build strength, and get comfy with the poses.

Poses included: Dandasana, Purvottanasana, Baddha Konasana, Setu Bandhasana, and more.

Rocket 2

Once you’re feeling confident, jump into Rocket 2. It adds more challenging moves, helping you grow physically and mentally. It is created by incorporating modifications into the second series of Ashtanga Yoga, which includes backbend and spinal twist techniques for the Ashtanga intermediate yoga series’ seated poses. Significant roles for poses such as Bakasana and Supta Vajrasana are played in the second Rocket series. In addition to the first series, this one serves as an energy booster.

Poses included: Dhanurasana, Balasana, Bharadvajasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana, and more.

Rocket 3

This is the most advanced sequence, designed for experienced practitioners. Since we’re talking pro-level, the asanas included in this sequence are a combination of both Rocket 1 and 2. Combining rocket 1 and 2 results in the final series of rocket yoga, which takes the following into account:

  • It involves positions designed to increase the practitioner’s strength and flexibility.
    Twists, folds, and balances are present in most of the stances.
  • Often referred to as “The Happy Hour,” this lively and fast-paced series provides an enjoyable transition from Ashtanga’s I through III series.

Each of the above sequences is extremely engaging. You will never be bored of them – the variety challenges different muscle groups and maintains interest, contributing to both physical and mental development.

This division of Rocket Yoga into three sequences is such a brilliant idea! It makes it accessible to a broad range of individuals. Beginners can start with Rocket 1 and slowly progress, while experienced yogis can challenge themselves with Rocket 2 and Rocket 3.

Who should avoid this rocket yoga?

  • If you’re dealing with serious injuries, or have heart or cardiovascular issues, it’s better to approach Rocket Yoga with caution. The fast-paced nature of this practice might be overwhelming and certain poses could be risky for those with injuries or heart concerns.
  • Pregnant women should also be mindful, as some poses may need adjustments or modifications.
  • If you have chronic health conditions or simply prefer a slower yoga pace, Rocket yoga might not be the best fit.

“Always prioritise your well-being, and if in doubt, consult with a healthcare professional or yoga instructor before launching into Rocket Yoga. It is extremely important to listen to your body – when it says stop, you need to take a pause, rest, and start again more mindfully,” says the expert.

Rocket yoga is good for your health. Image courtesy: Adobe stock

Are there any side effects of rocket yoga?

As with any physical activity, overexertion is to be avoided. Overexertion can lead to fatigue, so it’s crucial to listen to your body and avoid pushing beyond your limits. There are no distinct side effects as such but it is advisable to approach it mindfully with gradually increasing intensity. Additionally, individuals with certain health conditions like hypertension or joint issues may need to modify poses to prevent strain.

Always remember that the key is to enjoy the benefits without making yourself uncomfortable or risking injury.

The post 4 surprising benefits of rocket yoga you should know appeared first on Healthshots.

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