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Sitting for long can hurt your back and affect your posture. That is why you should get up and walk around for a few minutes after every few hours. Stretching or doing standing yoga poses can also help to improve posture. If you choose to do standing yoga poses, you can enjoy more health benefits. Such yoga asanas can improve balance, and concentration while also strengthening the legs, core, and back muscles. Here’s a list of standing yoga poses for beginners as well as fitness enthusiasts.

What is a standing yoga pose?

Standing yoga poses form the foundation of many yoga practices, anchoring us firmly to the earth while inviting us to reach for the sky. They are a diverse range of postures that challenge our balance, flexibility, and focus, says yoga expert Dr Hansaji Yogendra.

A woman doing a standing yoga pose
The Eagle pose promotes flexibility. Image courtesy: Freepik

How to do standing yoga poses?

Here are some of the standing yoga poses you can do at home or workplace –

1. Sthitaprarthasana or Standing Prayer Pose

  • Begin by standing tall with your feet next to each other.
  • Bring your palms together at your chest in Namaskar mudra (a hand gesture similar to the prayer pose).
  • Keep your shoulders and elbows relaxed while doing so.
  • Hold it for a few breaths then come back to the starting position.

This yoga pose improves posture and concentration, says the expert.

2. Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

  • To do tadasana, stand with your feet one foot apart.
  • Inhale as you raise your arms overhead, parallel to each other with your palms facing each other. At the same, time go up on your toes and gaze forward.
  • Feel the elongation of your spine and the strength in your legs then come back to the starting position.

Tadasana strengthens the legs, stretches the spine, and improves overall body alignment. It also aids neuro-muscular coordination.

3. Garudasana or Eagle Pose

  • Stand straight with your feet together to do the garudasana.
  • Slightly bend your knees then lift your left foot and cross it over your right thigh.
  • Wrap your left foot behind your right calf if it is possible for you.
  • Extend your arms forward, then cross your right arm over your left, intertwining your forearms and bringing your palms together.
  • Balance and breathe deeply, feeling the stretch in your shoulders and hips.

The Eagle Pose enhances balance and focus while stretching the shoulders, upper back, and thighs, promoting flexibility and mobility.

4. Hasta Padangusthasana or Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose

  • Stand with your feet together.
  • Lift your left leg straight in front of you while holding your big toe with your left hand.
  • Keep your spine straight and look ahead.
  • Hold it for several breaths then change sides.

This pose increases flexibility in the legs and hips, relieving tension and improving the range of motion, says Dr Hansaji.

5. Hasta Uttanasana or Raised Arms Pose

  •  Stand with your feet together.
  • Inhale deeply as you raise your arms.
  • Lengthen your spine and lift your gaze towards the sky.
  • Feel the stretch in your abdomen and chest as you hold the pose then exhale.

This pose opens the chest and lungs, improving respiratory function and promoting better oxygenation of the body, boosting energy levels.

6. Hastapadasana or Hand-to-Foot Pose

  • Stand with your feet together to this asana.
  • Raise your hands and arch back. Bend forward from your hips, reaching your hands to your ankles to grip them.
  • Try to bring your forehead towards your knees.
  • Release your ankles and gently raise your trunk to upright position.

This pose stretches the entire back of the body, from the calves to the spine, reducing stiffness and enhancing spinal flexibility.

A woman doing a standing yoga pose
Standing yoga poses can be done anywhere. Image courtesy: Freepik

7. Konasana or Angle Pose

  • Start with your feet apart.
  • Inhale, bending the upper body to the right while keeping the left hand near the ear.
  • Slide the right hand down, only curving the spine.
  • Hold and then return to the starting position smoothly.

This yoga pose strengthens legs, stretches the hamstrings, and stimulates digestion, promoting better circulation and detoxification in the body.

While standing yoga poses offer numerous advantages, any one with certain health conditions such as high blood pressure, vertigo, or recent injuries to the legs, hips, or spine should exercise caution or avoid these asanas altogether.

The post 7 standing yoga poses to improve balance and posture appeared first on Healthshots.

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